Tuesday, July 12, 2016

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros - Zero K by Don DeLillo

First Chapter Tuesday is hosted every Tuesday by Diane over at Bibiophile by the Sea. Join the fun by making your own post and linking up over at Diane's blog, or simple check it out to find more new books to read!

Zero K by Don DeLillo

Scribner, May 2016. Hardcover | Kindle | 288 pages

Even though I'm request #18 of 35 for this book at my library, I am continuously dying to read this. DeLillo is an extremely talented writer and I have heard wonderful things about his latest release. I hope I can get my hands on this one soon!

First paragraph:

Everybody wants to own the end of the world.
    This is what my father said, standing by the contoured windows in his New York office - private wealth management, dynasty trusts, emerging markets. We were sharing a rare point in time, contemplative, and the moment was made complete by his vintage sunglasses, bringing the night indoors. I studied the art in the room, variously abstract, and began to understand that the extended silence following his remark belonged to neither one of us. I thought of his wife, the second, the archaeolgist, the one whose mind and failing body would soon begin to drift, on schedule, into the void. 

What do you think? Would you keep reading? (And feel free to make your own post!)
If you're interested, be sure to check out the full synopsis on Goodreads!

Source: Zero K online excerpt from Wall Street Journal.


  1. Not my style, but it does sound pretty interesting!

  2. Hmm, I am intrigued and want to know more about the characters. Thanks for sharing. Here's mine: “THE MELODY LINGERS ON”

  3. "Feels" similar to the classic Delillo's Point Omega and Cosmopolis


  4. Not really my type of book but I hope you enjoy it when you read it. Have a great day.

  5. This does sound interesting. I hope you get it from the library soon!

  6. I like this. It's on my list. Enjoy!

  7. I had planned to read this one and actually started listening to the audio but, it didn't seem like a book for me. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for joining us.

  8. Humm, I'd have to read a bit more to tell, but it has potential.
