Friday, August 9, 2019

The Friday Face-Off: Argh, Pirates!

Friday Face Off New
Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme here at Books by Proxy. Join us every Friday as we pit cover against cover, and publisher against publisher, to find the best artwork in our literary universe. You can find a list of upcoming topics at Lynn's Books.

This week's topic is:
 “I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request.” – A cover featuring Pirates

I thought that this would be an easy topic, but then I realized that  a lot of the pirate books I've read recently only have a few covers, which made them a no-go for this post. I then decided to go with Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, which seems a btt obivious for this topic, but hey, it works! I also remembered that The Black Corsair by Emilio Salgari also existed and I loved all of the pirate covers for that one as well, so this week I"m sharing both books!

Treasure Island:

Treasure IslandTreasure IslandTreasure Island
2005 Simon & Schuster | 1982 Bantam | 2005 Barnes & Noble

L’Île au trésorTreasure IslandL'Isola del Tesoro
1985 French | 2011 Oxford Press | 2004 Italian

The Black Corsair:

Il Corsaro NeroThe Black CorsairO Corsário Negro
1998 Italian | 2011 English | 2010 Portuguese

O Corsário NegroEl corsario negroCorsario Negro, El
1994 Portuguese | 1974 Italian | 2009 Spanish

My choice:
Treasure IslandO Corsário Negro
Honestly, it was difficult to choose my favorites and even now I'm second-guessing my choices! For Treasure Isand, I really liked the art style of this Oxford Press edition and how it shows all three pirates. The Black Corsair was a tough pick (and there were so many other covers I wanted to share here also!), but I just love the joviality and general 'victory' feel that accompanies these pirates--it feels like a very classic pirate-like scene. 

Which covers do you like best?


  1. These are so great! While I do like the ones that have the quintessential pirate on them, the one with the skull and crossbones is also really striking!

  2. These are two great examples of pirate books! My favorite Treasure Island is the French edition and my favorite The Black Corsair is the 1974 Italian😊

  3. I almost did two covers this week too 😂😂 I couldn't decide between The Princess Bride and Daughter of the Pirate King. In the end I went with the latter and I will probably do The Princess Bride later this month for "Movie Cover Tie-In!"

    My favorite is the 2011 English cover of the Black Corsair :) idk why I just like the look of the guy!
