Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown & The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo


 Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

This week's upcoming book spotlights are:

The Book of Doors by Gareth Brown
Publication: February 13th, 2024
William Morrow
Hardcover. 416 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"If you could open a door to anywhere, where would you go?

In New York City, bookseller Cassie Andrews is living an unassuming life when she is given a gift by a favourite customer. It's a book - an unusual book, full of strange writing and mysterious drawings. And at the very front there is a handwritten message to Cassie, telling her that this is the Book of Doors, and that any door is every door.

What Cassie is about to discover is that the Book of Doors is a special book that bestows an extraordinary powers on whoever possesses it, and soon she and her best friend Izzy are exploring all that the Book of Doors can do, swept away from their quiet lives by the possibilities of travelling to anywhere they want.

But the Book of Doors is not the only magical book in the world. There are other books that can do wondrous and dreadful things when wielded by dangerous and ruthless individuals - individuals who crave what Cassie now possesses.

Suddenly Cassie and Izzy are confronted by violence and danger, and the only person who can help them is, it seems, Drummond Fox. He is a man fleeing his own demons - a man with his own secret library of magical books that he has hidden away in the shadows for safekeeping. Because there is a nameless evil out there that is hunting them all . . . Because some doors should never be opened.

There's not much that can sound better than a magical book, and I love the idea of discovering what all the different powers some of the books may possess. I can't wait to read this one!

The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo
Publication: February 13th, 2024
Henry Holt and Co. 
Hardcover. 400 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"Some people think foxes are similar to ghosts because we go around collecting qi , or life force, but nothing could be further than the truth. We are living creatures, just like you, only usually better looking . . .

Manchuria, 1908.

A young woman is found frozen in the snow. Her death is clouded by rumors of foxes involved, which are believed to lure people by transforming themselves into beautiful women and men. Bao, a detective with a reputation for sniffing out the truth, is hired to uncover the dead woman’s identity. Since childhood, Bao has been intrigued by the fox gods, yet they’ve remained tantalizingly out of reach. Until, perhaps, now.

Meanwhile, a family that owns a famous Chinese medicine shop can cure ailments, but not the curse that afflicts them―their eldest sons die before their twenty-fourth birthdays. Now the only grandson of the family is twenty-three. When a mysterious woman enters their household, their luck seems to change. Or does it? Is their new servant a simple young woman from the north or a fox spirit bent on her own revenge?

I've enjoyed some of Yangsze Choo's books in the past and this sounds like it'll be another incredible one. 


  1. These sound like they are going to be good. I hope you enjoy them, Jordan 😊

  2. Two very different reads - they both sound intriguing! I hope you enjoy them, Jordan and thank you for sharing.

  3. Both of these sound exellent but especially The Book of Doors.

  4. The Fox Wife is not something I would normally gravitate towards, but I have to admit, it is calling to me!

  5. I have an eARC of The Book of Doors, it sounds intriguing!
