Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett & The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed


 Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

This week's upcoming book spotlights are:

The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett
Publication: February 6th, 2024
Del Rey
Hardcover. 432 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"In Daretana’s most opulent mansion, a high Imperial officer lies dead—killed, to all appearances, when a tree spontaneously erupted from his body. Even in this canton at the borders of the Empire, where contagions abound and the blood of the Leviathans works strange magical changes, it’s a death at once terrifying and impossible.

Called in to investigate this mystery is Ana Dolabra, an investigator whose reputation for brilliance is matched only by her eccentricities.

At her side is her new assistant, Dinios Kol. Din is an engraver, magically altered to possess a perfect memory. His job is to observe and report, and act as his superior’s eyes and ears--quite literally, in this case, as among Ana’s quirks are her insistence on wearing a blindfold at all times, and her refusal to step outside the walls of her home.

Din is most perplexed by Ana’s ravenous appetite for information and her mind’s frenzied leaps—not to mention her cheerful disregard for propriety and the apparent joy she takes in scandalizing her young counterpart. Yet as the case unfolds and Ana makes one startling deduction after the next, he finds it hard to deny that she is, indeed, the Empire’s greatest detective.

As the two close in on a mastermind and uncover a scheme that threatens the safety of the Empire itself, Din realizes he’s barely begun to assemble the puzzle that is Ana Dolabra—and wonders how long he’ll be able to keep his own secrets safe from her piercing intellect.

I always hear so many amazing things about Robert Jackson Bennett, and although I didn't care for his Founders Trilogy, I'm eager to give him another shot–and I'm really curious about the sound of this one. 

The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed
Publication: February 27th, 2024
Paperback. 160 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"At the northern edge of a land ruled by a monstrous, foreign tyrant lies the wild forest known as the Elmever. The villagers know better than to let their children go near—once someone goes in, they never come back out.

No one knows the strange and terrifying traps of the Elmever better than Veris Thorn, the only person to ever rescue a child from the forest many years ago. When the Tyrant’s two young children go missing, Veris is commanded to enter the forest once more and bring them home safe. If Veris fails, the Tyrant will kill her; if she remains in the forest for longer than a day, she will be trapped forevermore.

So Veris will travel deep into the Elmever to face traps, riddles, and monsters at the behest of another monster. One misstep will cost everything.

I will always want to read any story that prominently features some crazy forest. I've got an eARC of this one waiting for me and I can't wait to check it out!


  1. I have to admit, I am intrigued with the notion of a crazy forest!

  2. The Butcher of the Forest looks so good! I'm intrigued by the eerie forest concept as well, hope you love it!

  3. Both of these are on my list! I'm especially excited for The Tainted Cup, I hear the world building is amazing.

  4. Both of these books sound great! Thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoy them! :)
