Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay, Dancers of the Dawn by Zulekhá A. Afzal, & Such a Bad Influence by Olivia Muenter


 Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
Publication: June 11th, 2024
William Morrow
Hardcover. 288 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"In June 1993, a group of young guerilla filmmakers spent four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror flick.

The weird part? Only three of the film’s scenes were ever released to the public, but Horror Movie has nevertheless grown a rabid fanbase. Three decades later, Hollywood is pushing for a big budget reboot.

The man who played “The Thin Kid” is the only surviving cast member. He remembers all too well the secrets buried within the original screenplay, the bizarre events of the filming, and the dangerous crossed lines on set that resulted in tragedy. As memories flood back in, the boundaries between reality and film, past and present start to blur. But he’s going to help remake the film, even if it means navigating a world of cynical producers, egomaniacal directors, and surreal fan conventions — demons of the past be damned.

But at what cost?

I've enjoyed a number of Paul Tremblay's books and I'm really excited about this premise!

Dancers of the Dawn by Zulekhá A. Afzal
Publication: June 6th, 2024
Rock the Boat
Hardcover. 320 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"An epic story about truth, loyalty and betrayal.

Dancer. Warrior. Executioner.

Deep in the desert, under the blazing sun, an elite troupe of dancers are trained to harness their magic. They are the queen’s most formidable assassins. Aasira has one of the rarest talents – for she is a flame-wielder. Feared by all and envied by some, she uses her power to execute enemies of the crown.

Aasira’s greatest wish is to serve her queen. But on the eve of her graduation, with tensions rising among the dancers and secrets stirring in the shifting sand dunes, she begins to question whether she was truly born to kill. . .

Isn't this cover gorgeous?  I'm always up to try out a new assassin fantasy!

Such a Bad Influence by Olivia Muenter
Publication: June 4th, 2024
Quirk Books
Hardcover. 336 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"Hazel Davis is drifting: she’s stalled in her career, living in a city she hates, and less successful than her younger sister @evelyn, a lifestyle influencer.

Evie came of age on the family YouTube channel after a viral video when she was five. Ten years older and spotlight-averse, Hazel managed to dodge the family business—so although she can barely afford her apartment, at least she made her own way. Evie is eighteen now, with a multimillion-dollar career, but Hazel is still protective of her little sister and skeptical of the way everyone seems to want a piece of her: Evie’s followers, her YouTuber boyfriend and influencer frenemies, and their opportunistic mother. So when Evie disappears one day during an unsettling live stream that cuts out midsentence, Hazel is horrified to have her worst instincts proven right.

As theories about Evie’s disappearance tear through the internet, inspiring hashtags, Reddit threads, and podcast episodes, Hazel throws herself into the darkest parts of her sister’s world to untangle the truth. After all, Hazel knows Evie better than anyone else . . . doesn’t she?

Something about this one really intrigues and makes me curious to find out how it's executed.


  1. Horror Movie definitely sounds creepy!

  2. Horror Movie has been getting great reviews, I can't wait!
