Thursday, October 12, 2017

Book Traveling Thursday: A New-To-You Author You Discovered This Year - Siddhartha Mukherjee!

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This week I'm once again participating in Book Traveling Thursday!
"Book Traveling Thursdays is a weekly bookish meme hosted by Catia from The Girl Who Read Too Much and Danielle's Book Blog. The idea of this group is check out the list of weekly themes for each month in this meme's Goodreads page and simply pick a book to match the theme! Once you've found a book, explore different covers of various editions for that book and make a post about it.  To find out more, you can check out our Goodreads group!

This week's theme is: "A new to you author you discovered this year." I've discovered quite a few fantastic new-to-me authors this year, but only a few of them had multiple editions, so that helped me narrow it down to:
The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee
Cancer is a very close beast to my family, as both of my parents have battled with various forms of it, so I knew that this would be a book I needed to read one day. I ended really loving this book! Not only was it incredibly informative and interesting, but it also approaches the subject in a sincere, very personal, and very accessible manner. This is definitely a must-read! I went on to read Mukherjee's The Gene after this one and was also impressed by his voice and ability to convey such intricate subject matters in such an accessible manner. Can't wait for more from Mukherjee!

Original Cover Design:
 The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer

Original hardcover edition, Scribner 2010
Other US Covers:
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer    El emperador de todos los males: Una biografía del cáncer

Left: US Trade Paperback edition
Right: Spanish Kindle edition

Favorite Covers:

The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer     De keizer aller ziektes: Een biografie van kanker     Der König aller Krankheiten: Krebs - eine Biographie

Left: Original English edition
Middle: Dutch edition
Right: German edition

I really like the simplicity of most of these and how the only major imagery is the cancer symbol. I'm not sure why the Dutch decided to make the cover look aged, but I'm okay with it! It reminds me of how long a history cancer has and how it will only continue to plague us. 

Least Favorite Covers: 

إمبراطور الأمراض     L'imperatore del male. Una biografia del cancro

Left: Arabic edition
Right: Italian edition

I am really not digging the microscopic view of what I'm assuming is a cancer cell (??) in the Arabic one, and the Italian edition is just so lifeless. I like simplicity, but the crab is just so small and the text just doesn't stand out in any way. I'd definitely pass on these two. 
What do you think of these covers? Do you have a favorite? Who's a new-to-you author that you discovered this year?

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