Friday, May 17, 2019

The Friday Face-Off: A Fantasy Beast

Friday Face Off New
Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme here at Books by Proxy. Join us every Friday as we pit cover against cover, and publisher against publisher, to find the best artwork in our literary universe. You can find a list of upcoming topics at Lynn's Books.

This week's topic is:
“The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow!” – A cover featuring a fantasy beast

I feel like the go-to for this topic would be a dragon, so I wanted to avoid that and do something more unique....but for some reason I only came across dragons, so here we are with dragons! I did initially think of one of the Witcher books, but I'm pretty sure I've done one for a Friday Face-Off before so I opted not to. I love dragons, however, so I'm not really too upset about this outcome. Since there are so many books out there with some badass dragons on the cover--and so many with only one or two covers--I thought I'd fall back and share some covers for different books with dragons.

  A Natural History of Dragons (The Memoirs of Lady Trent, #1)Tess of the Road (Tess of the Road, #1)The Dragon’s Legacy (The Dragon's Legacy #1)

  The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (Fairyland, #1)Tooth and ClawHis Majesty's Dragon (Temeraire, #1)

The Language of SpellsOf Cinder and Bone (Of Cinder and Bone #1)The Rage of Dragons (The Burning, #1)

My choices:
I did not consider the fact that I'm supposed to choose a favorite when I decided to share multiple covers. I love the A Natural History of Dragons cover (and frankly, all the books in that series would be perfect for this topic), I adore the Tess of the Road cover, The Dragon's Legacy is incredibly cool, and the Fairyland cover is adorable also. I'm choosing the two that stand out the most to me, and those are A Natural History of Dragons and Tess of the Road!
A Natural History of Dragons (The Memoirs of Lady Trent, #1)Tess of the Road (Tess of the Road, #1)

Which covers do you like best?


  1. I love all these dragons in one place😁 My favorites are Of Cinder and Bone and The Dragon's Legacy.

  2. Great choices! I really like Of Cinder & Bone, too!

  3. Tess of the Road has an awesome cover, so striking!

  4. Oh my gosh! I love all of these. Tess of the Road is definitely one of my favorite covers!
