Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Widow Queen by Elzbieta Cherezinska & Sistersong by Lucy Holland

Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

This week's upcoming book spotlights are: 
The Widow Queen (The Bold, #1)
The Widow Queen by Elzbieta Cherezinska
Publication: April 6th, 2021
Hardcover. 512 pages.
Pre-order: AmazonIndieBound

"Elzbieta Cherezinska's The Widow Queen is the epic story of a Polish queen whose life and name were all but forgotten until now.  

The bold one, they call her—too bold for most.  

To her father, the great duke of Poland, Swietoslawa and her two sisters represent three chances for an alliance. Three marriages on which to build his empire.  

But Swietoslawa refuses to be simply a pawn in her father's schemes; she seeks a throne of her own, with no husband by her side.  

The gods may grant her wish, but crowns sit heavy, and power is a sword that cuts both ways."
I have an ARC for this that I have been dying to start and I'm hoping to get to it soon. I love that we are slowly getting more translated fantasy, and I equally love the sound of this synopsis! Fantasy political intrigue is always enticing to me. 

Sistersong by Lucy Holland
Publication: April 15th, 2021
Hardcover. 400 pages.
Pre-order: AmazonBook Depository

"535 AD. In the ancient kingdom of Dumnonia, King Cador's children inherit a fragmented land abandoned by the Romans.  

Riva, scarred in a terrible fire, fears she will never heal. 
Keyne battles to be seen as the king's son, when born a daughter. 
And Sinne, the spoiled youngest girl, yearns for romance.  

All three fear a life of confinement within the walls of the hold – a last bastion of strength against the invading Saxons. But change comes on the day ash falls from the sky, bringing Myrddhin, meddler and magician, and Tristan, a warrior whose secrets will tear the siblings apart. Riva, Keyne and Sinne must take fate into their own hands, or risk being tangled in a story they could never have imagined; one of treachery, love and ultimately, murder. It's a story that will shape the destiny of Britain."
This setting sounds fantastic and I am always hear for more stories with sisters at their core! I also believe this is actually a UK release, which I just realized when putting this post together, but that's what Book Depository is for, right?

What do you think about these upcoming releases? What are your anticipated upcoming releases?


  1. Ooh, The Widow Queen sounds soo good! Can't wait for your review!

  2. I'm not sure I've even heard of The Widow Queen but now I need to add it to my list, it sounds really good! And I love that it's a translated book.

    1. Me too, I am loving that we're slowly starting to get more and more translated fantasy!

  3. The Widow Queen sounds so good! The line about Swietoslawa refusing to be a pawn and seeking a throne on her own is what especially caught my eye. Sistersong sounds really good as well. I hope you enjoy both of these when you read them!

  4. Both of these sound so good! Thanks for sharing! Hope you enjoy them! :)

  5. Oh I was just looking at The Widow Queen on Edelweiss!! It sounds so good! I hope you enjoy these when you get to them!

  6. I love that we're getting more diverse fantasy too...

  7. These sound excellent! I’ll have to look up Sistersong because I’m always interested in historical fiction that’s about really old history.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. That's what really caught my eye about Sistersong, I'm always curious to see how authors handle the older time periods because I love them.
