Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Can''t-Wait Wednesday: The Handyman Method by Nick Cutter, Andrew F. Sullivan, The Narrow by Kate Alice Marshall, & Terrace Story by Hilary Leichter

 Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

This week's upcoming book spotlights are:

The Handyman Method: A Story of Terror by Nick Cutter, Andrew F. Sullivan
Publication: August 8th, 2023
Gallery/Saga Press
Paperback. 304 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"A chilling domestic story of terror for fans of Black Mirror and The Amityville Horror.

When a young family moves into an unfinished development community, cracks begin to emerge in both their new residence and their lives, as a mysterious online DIY instructor delivers dark subliminal suggestions about how to handle any problem around the house. The trials of home improvement, destructive insecurities, and haunted house horror all collide in this thrilling story perfect for fans of Nick Cutter’s bestsellers The Troop and The Deep.

I've still yet to read anything from Nick Cutter or Andrew F. Sullivan yet and I'm absolutely loving the sound of this horror.  I've put in my requests for it, so fingers crossed I get a chance to read it soon!

The Narrow by Kate Alice Marshall
Publication: August 1st, 2023
Viking Books for Young Readers
Hardcover. 384 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"Everyone has heard the story of the Narrow. The river that runs behind the Atwood School is only a few feet across and seemingly placid, but beneath the surface, the waters are deep and vicious. It’s said that no one who has fallen in has ever survived.

Eden White knows that isn’t true. Six years ago, she saw Delphine Fournier fall into the Narrow—and live.

Delphine now lives in careful isolation, sealed off from the world. Even a single drop of unpurified water could be deadly to her, and no one but Eden has any idea why. Eden has never told anyone what she saw or spoken to Delphine since, but now, unable to cover her tuition, she has to make a her expenses will be paid in return for serving as a live-in companion to Delphine.

Eden finds herself drawn to the strange and mysterious girl, and the two of them begin to unravel each other’s secrets. Then Eden discovers what happened to the last girl who lived with she was found half-drowned on dry land. Suddenly Eden is waking up to wet footprints tracking to the end of her bed, the sound of rain on the windows when the skies are clear, and a ghostly silhouette in her doorway. Something is haunting Delphine—and now it’s coming for Eden, too.

Everything about this premise grabs me and I love how many unique elements this book sounds like it will have. 

Terrace Story by Hilary Leichter
Publication: August 29th, 2023
Hardcover. 208 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"Annie, Edward, and their young daughter, Rose, live in a cramped apartment. One night, without warning, they find a beautiful terrace hidden in their closet. It wasn't there before, and it seems to only appear when their friend Stephanie visits. A city dweller's dream come true! But every extra bit of space has a hidden cost, and the terrace sets off a seismic chain of events, forever changing the shape of their tiny home, and the shape of the world.

Terrace Story follows the characters who suffer these repercussions and reverberations: the little family of three, their future now deeply uncertain, and those who orbit their fragile universe. The distance and love between these characters expands limitlessly, across generations. How far can the mind travel when it's looking for something that is gone? Where do we put our loneliness, longing, and desire? What do we do with the emotions that seem to stretch beyond the body, beyond the boundaries of life and death?

Based on the National Magazine Award-winning story, Hilary Leichter's profound second novel asks how we nurture love when death looms over every moment. From one of our most innovative and daring writers, Terrace Story is an astounding meditation on loss, a reverie about extinction, and a map for where to go next.

This premise sounds fascinating and I'm so curious to see how this author executes it!


  1. The Narrow, and Terrace Story look and sound very good. Thank you for sharing. Happy reading.

  2. The Handyman Method looks really good, and I like the cover. Have a great day, Jordan ☕🌞📚💜

  3. You certainly have a range of books here, Taylor. I hope you enjoy them all - I particularly like the sound of The Narrow...

  4. Um... and that should have read JORDAN. Blame it on the brain fog *sigh*

  5. I already had my eyes on The Handyman Method but now you have me interested in the other two as well.

  6. Terrace Story and The Narrow have grabbed my attention! I hope you love all of these.

  7. Those first two sound perfect for fall!

  8. I've never read Nick Cutter either, and The Handyman Method sounds so good. I'm also curious about the Kate Alice Marshall book. I loved the adult thriller I read, she probably does YA well too!

  9. I love the sound of Terrace story, and Cutter's as well. I've never read him but it sounds like trip!
