Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Can't-Wait Wednesday: What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier #2) by T. Kingfisher & The Bad Ones by Melissa Albert


 Can't-Wait is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings that spotlights exciting upcoming releases that we can't wait to be released! This meme is based off of Jill @ Breaking the Spine's Waiting on Wednesday meme.

This week's upcoming book spotlights are:

What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier #2) by T. Kingfisher
Publication: February 13th, 2024
Tor Nightfire
Hardcover. 160 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"Retired soldier, Alex Easton, returns in a horrifying new adventure.

After their terrifying ordeal at the Usher manor, Alex Easton feels as if they just survived another war. All they crave is rest, routine, and sunshine, but instead, as a favor to Angus and Miss Potter, they find themself heading to their family hunting lodge, deep in the cold, damp forests of their home country, Gallacia.

In theory, one can find relaxation in even the coldest and dampest of Gallacian autumns, but when Easton arrives, they find the caretaker dead, the lodge in disarray, and the grounds troubled by a strange, uncanny silence. The villagers whisper that a breath-stealing monster from folklore has taken up residence in Easton’s home. Easton knows better than to put too much stock in local superstitions, but they can tell that something is not quite right in their home. . . or in their dreams.

I love T. Kingfisher's work and really enjoyed What Moves the Dead, so I'm looking forward to revisiting Alex Easton in this next installment. 

The Bad Ones by Melissa Albert
Publication: February 20th, 2024
Flatiron Books
Hardcover. 400 pages.
Pre-order: Amazon |

From Goodreads:
"Goddess, goddess, count to five
In the morning, who’s alive?

In the course of a single winter’s night, four people vanish without a trace across a small town.

Nora’s estranged best friend, Becca, is one of the lost. As Nora tries to untangle the truth of Becca’s disappearance, she discovers a darkness in her town’s past, as well as a string of coded messages Becca left for her to unravel. These clues lead Nora to a piece of local folklore: a legendary goddess of forgotten origins who played a role in Nora and Becca’s own childhood games...

An arresting, crossover horror fantasy threaded with dark magic, THE BAD ONES is a poison-pen love letter to semi-toxic best friendship, the occult power of childhood play and artistic creation, and the razor-thin line between make-believe and belief."

I haven't read anything from Melissa Albert since The Hazel Wood, but I've meant to for years now and I'm really intrigued by the sound of The Bad Ones!


  1. Sign me up for both of these! The Bad Ones has been on my radar for some time now. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I've seen these two books on a lot of people's lists. They both sound interesting! Great picks!

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