Friday, February 1, 2019

Month in Review: January 2019

As usual, January has been an exceptionally long month, but it's also been a surprisingly good month. I usually hate January because I don't really love the new year, but I read some really great books this month and did some fun things, so that helped it. What didn't help was my mental health, which is struggling lately, but I suppose that's just how it goes. My husband and I also first started "officially" dating seven years ago as of January 1st, so it's a little crazy (and awesome) and to realize how long we've been together. 

One of the fun things that I did during January was getting to see Elton John live for the first time (thanks to my super generous mom)! My mom has always been a huge fan, so I've had healthy doses of Elton John's music in my life pretty much since the day I was born. It was incredible and if you have the opportunity (I know tickets can be hard to get) to see him during his Farewell Tour, you absolutely should! He even played one of my favorite songs, "Funeral for a Friend," live, which apparently he hasn't done before so that was really neat. 

This month also saw the official one year anniversary of my mom's last/most recent cancer-related surgery, so it's nice to start a year off with nothing cancer-related for once! Hooray! Since she does have a genetic cancer condition she still has to do a lot of regular yearly testing, but prevention is key so it's all good right now and we can relax for a bit.

On to books! I didn't get through quite as many books as I thought I would this January, but I'd say that's partially because I read a couple of pretty chunky tomes that took a lot longer than the average book (looking at you, Kingdom of Ash).

How was your January? Anything new to start your year off? Read anything great (or bad)?

Books read: 10

The Girl in the Tower (Winternight Trilogy, #2)The Gutter PrayerShattered Hopes (Light in the Dark Book 2)Crooked RavenRevengeThe Hod King (The Books of Babel, #3)Never Die

The Girl in the Tower by Katherine Arden 
The Gutter Prayer by Gareth Hanrahan 
Shattered Hopes by Ulff Lehmann 
Crooked Raven by Talis Jones 
Mini-Review: Revenge: Stories by Yoko Ogawa 
The Hod King by Josiah Bancroft 
Never Die by Rob J. Hayes 

(this month)

Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass, #7)To Best the BoysWinterhouse (Winterhouse, #1)
Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy, #1)The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern WorldNo Way
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas ★+++
To Best the Boys by Mary Weber (review coming in March!) 
Winterhouse by Ben Guterson  
Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan (review coming in March!) 
The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World by Simon Winchester 
No Way  by S.J. Morden 

DNF'd books:
All Systems Red by Martha Wells - I don't know what happened! I think maybe the timing was just wrong for me, but I couldn't get into this for some reason? It's so small that I figured I would just read it anyway, but for some reason I just couldn't get into the story. I might revisit this sometime.
The Friday Face-Off:
A Tudor Novel

Have you read any of these? What books did you read this month? I hope you all had a great month-- comment below and let me know!

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  1. Fun that you got to see Elton John in concert! :)

  2. OMG Elton John!!! I am so jealous! I agree, January always feels like the longest month.

  3. Awesome recap! I'm not a huge fan of January either. Happy anniversary!! <3

  4. I've seen Elton John twice in concert over the years, but I missed him this time. I own every one of his albums!

  5. Congrats to your mom on being cancer free- my mom went through a similar thing a few years ago and it must be an amazing feeling to be in the clear. And also congrats on seeing Elton John! How fun- I love his music.

    So many awesome looking books! To Best The Boys, Courting darkness and The PSychology of Time Travel all look good to me!

    1. It really is a great feeling! I hope your mom is doing well!

      To Best the Boys was a lot of fun, and I'm really excited to read The Psychology of Time Travel at some point soon.

  6. I’m glad you had a good January, and your mom is healthy, and you got to go to a concert. I still haven’t started that Katherine Arden series. The first one is sitting on my shelf. Have a great February!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
