Friday, June 5, 2020

Month in Review: May 2020

Well, friends, I'm really not sure how to wrap up the month of May. It's been a little unreal to see everything that's happened in the last month, and between some of my own personal life issues, COVID, the recent protests, and the general uncertainty in the air these days, I'm sure we're all feeling upset, overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and, if you're like me, feeling pretty lost about what to do these days. I'd like to keep this wrap-up as positive as can be as I usually do, though. That being said, I do want to take a moment to say that I am here to support the Black Lives Matter movement and I've been taking some time to really think about what things I can do differently to make a change, not only to improve my own understandings, but to maybe help others understand as well. I know that I have privilege as a white woman and I'd like both learn more and use that privilege in a beneficial way. I'm not overly active on my social media these days (maybe one day I'll become active again) so I don't post much there, but I do more frequently post on Tumblr and I've decided to bring back my indie bookstore spotlight posts, but this time focusing on some Black-owned bookstores that we can all hopefully try to make it a point to support from here on out. It's not much, but it's something that I can easily start doing today.

In book related news, despite everything I still somehow managed to have a pretty good reading month overall! My local library is still unfortunately (but understandably) closed and ARC shipping has slowed down a bit it seems, so it's allowed me to really spend some time digging through my backlog of owned books that I've gotten as gifts and from library sales over the years. It's actually been pretty satisfying to actually go through and read some books I've been sitting on for a while, though I am missing being able to request physical books from my library. One of my most anticipated releases, Rule, was finally released and I had such a wonderful time diving back into the world created by Rowenna Miller. I also loved Catherine House, The Unsuitable, and Blood & Beauty! There were only two books that didn't majorly click with me this past month (The Last Neanderthal and The Clan of the Cave Bear), so I'll take that as pretty good overall. :)

In the end, I think it was a pretty good reading month despite the extreme anxiety I've been battling over the past month. June is shaping up to be another anxiety-filled month for me, but I'm really trying to work on calming myself and trying to adapt to changes in my life in the best way I can--and hopefully being able to do so while focusing on reading! I also just started a summer course for my grad program (“Race and Identity in Ancient Greece & Rome”—pretty timely, it seems), so I have a little more work now as well, but hopefully not too much.

How was your reading month? Did you read any great books? Have you read any of the books I read? Let me know, I'd love to chat about any and all the books!

# books read: 13

Sepulchre (Languedoc, #2)Catherine HouseThe Bone Shard Daughter (The Drowning Empire, #1)The Girl of Ink and StarsOlive the Lionheart: Lost Love, Imperial Spies, and One Woman's Journey to the Heart of Africa
Sepulchre by Kate Mosse 
Source: Owned | Format: Hardcover

Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas 
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC

The Bone Shard Daughter by Andrea Stewart 
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC

The Girl of Ink and Stars by Kiran Millwood Hargrave 
Source: Owned | Format: Paperback

Olive the Lionheart: Lost Love, Imperial Spies, and One Woman's Journey to the Heart of Africa by Brad Ricca 
Source: Publisher | Format: Physical ARC

The UnsuitableBlood & Beauty: The BorgiasThe Little FriendGhosts of Harvard
The Unsuitable by Molly Pohlig 
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC

Blood & Beauty by Sarah Dunant 
Source: Owned | Format: Hardcover

The Little Friend by Donna Tartt 
Source: Owned | Format: Paperback

Ghosts of Harvard by Francesca Serritella 
Source: NetGalley | Format: eARC

The Last NeanderthalNight (North, #2)The Clan of the Cave Bear (Earth's Children, #1)Rule (The Unraveled Kingdom, #3)
The Last Neanderthal by Claire Cameron  
Source: Borrowed | Format: Paperback

Night by Alexandria Warwick  
Source: Author | Format: Physical ARC

The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel 
Source: Owned | Format: Hardcover

Rule by Rowenna Miller  
Source: Owned | Format: Paperback

The Mother CodeStealing Thunder (Stealing Thunder, #1)Catherine HouseFire from Heaven (Alexander the Great, #1)The Golden MeanThe UnsuitableRed Queen (The Chronicles of Alice, #2)Blood of Wonderland (Queen of Hearts Saga, #2)Ghosts of Harvard
The Mother Code by Carole Stivers 
Stealing Thunder by Alina Boyden 
Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas 
Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault 
The Golden Mean by Annabel Lyon 
The Unsuitable by Molly Pohlig 
Red Queen by Christina Henry 
Blood of Wonderland by Colleen Oakes 
Ghosts of Harvard by Francesca Serritella 

(other than reviews)

The Friday Face-Off:
Graphic Novel

Have you read any of these? What books did you read this month? I hope you all had a great month-- comment below and let me know!


  1. May was definitely a low point of 2020 and it makes you wonder how things can get any worse. I guess we're lucky because we have books to escape into!

    1. No kidding. I am enormously grateful for books these days, although I guess it becomes a problem for those times when I can't focus on any books, haha.

  2. I'm glad reading was a comfort for you this month - I hope June is better!
